
Filling levels, easy accounting, fault reporting, planning the refilling trips – with Vensolutions you always have your vending machines under control.

Connected Vending and Mobile Payment

The telemetry system Vensolutions offers the possibilities for an effective and legally sound way for your vending machine operating and accounting. Easier controlling and remote diagnosis, simplified maintenance of the machines on location and automating your route-planning for the refilling trips becomes possible. This is how vending becomes Connected Vending!

Our system is constantly developed further to adjust to operational and legal requirements.

What can Vensolutions do for you as an operator?

With Vensolutions you can control and evaluate all sales, transactions and the vending machine status from your office computer in real time. It can also be connected to your existing ERP-system.

“Fiscal data read-out” is one of the growing trends and requirements in the vending industry. Vensolutions is the holistic approach for active controlling of your operating and service process in the field of vending and company catering.

Vensolutions also supports the planning of your refilling trips by suggesting optimized routes and considering your staffs working times. Let all these be a thing of the past: complicated and error-prone paper lists, long machine down time, unnecessary empty trips and other bad surprises while maintaining your vending machines.

Is there a large event planned in the area where your vending machines are located? Is it going to be extraordinarily hot in the coming days? This means you should be able to sell more cold drinks for example. Thanks to Vensolutions taking various factors into consideration, the predictions are getting constantly more precise. This way you can maximize your potential by planning the best locations and assortments for your vending machines and increase your profitability.

Vensolutions prepares your vending machines for the future

With Vensolutions we are actively shaping the future of the vending industry. The use of Vensolutions offers new possibilities for marketing and customer loyalty. Attractive features such as credit card and mobile payment, loyalty programs, product sampling and coupons, digital signage and many others are all possible due to our future-oriented LINUX based technology.

Our basic model Vencube beta is the gateway into the world of Connected Vending. By upgrading to Vencube alpha you can use all those possible features in an increasingly digital market.

How Vensolutions can help your customers

We are convinced that sales of all kinds of goods through vending machines will keep on growing in the future. With Vensolutions you can offer a positive and non-frustrating shopping experience to your customers: modern vending machines, faster and varied modes of payment, less error messages and a better suited product choice which is not left to chance.

The times in which your potential customers have given up to buy anything due to their lack of small change or empty compartments in your vending machine are over. With our products, services and innovative partners we are well prepared for these mega-trends of the vending industry.

S+M GmbH Vensolutions

Vencube - the hardware

The Vencube is the centrepiece of the product family and represents the hardware of the complete Vensolutions system, which is unique on the market. Placed in the stable centre position between the vending machine control and payment system, it forms the central control unit in your vending machine. This is where all money and product movements come together in real time and are sent to the Vensoft user portal.

This allows you to efficiently monitor the machine status at all times. Failures and malfunctions can be rectified or avoided without losing time.

All data records are securely encrypted via SSL and additionally signed to verify authenticity and integrity. To prevent unauthorised opening or even tampering, the housings are sealed as standard. In addition, all Vencubes, regardless of size and performance, have a SAM slot and are therefore compatible with INSIKA.

With its converter technology, the Vencube supports all typical vending protocols (Executive, MDB and BDV).

Vencube Info-PDF
User manual Vencube beta

Vensoft - the user platform

Vensoft is the central online user platform for our Vensolutions system and offers all relevant information in an overview. Vensoft can be accessed from any device which has an internet connection without any installation.

Vensoft gives you the possibilities to manage your daily business faster, more efficiently and with high process quality. Manual route planning, vague error messages and price adjusting on location at every single machine are a thing of the past.

All data is collected and analyzed in Vensoft and necessary adjustments to the settings can be made. It also offers support tools, i.e. an optimized route planner for the refilling trips, which you can adjust according to your individual requirements. It considers the best route as well as the maximum working time of your staff.

When using Vensoft you can be sure that your data is in good hands. All data is only communicated via SSL encrypted connections and stored access protected on two separate data servers in Germany for the duration of 10 years plus the current year.

Login Vensoft

Ventool - the Windows app

Ventool is the mobile solution for controlling and maintaining the system on location. The app is also used for the configuration of the Vencube.

After installing Ventool on a laptop it can be connected to the Vencube and configurations can be adjusted. This enables a unified handling of the vending machine periphery.

We are currently working on a solution where all data concerning product and money movements is read-out on location and uploaded directly onto the online platform Vensoft. In doing so, the inventory will be completed electronically on location - even in areas with weak mobile communication infrastructure.

Today the recording of product movements and inventory, accounting and other data is often still done manually by operators and technicians. With our free app Ventool we are creating a solution which optimizes your business process and saves you time and money.

Venapp - the mobile phone app

Venapp is the mobile tool for the filling driver and service technician on site.

This mobile phone app shows the driver the route planned in the back office with Vensoft, so that he can conveniently see the sequence of vending machines to be approached en route. Once at the location, the current stock level can be called up, which can be used to compile the exact filling quantities from the vehicle.

A variety of other helpful functions are possible, such as the adjustment (inventory) of stocks in Vensoft if required or communication between the driver and technician in the back office to define and efficiently resolve a wide range of problems using notes and photos.

The Venapp requires no installation and is available for all browser-based devices.

Vensells CL – the "Plug and Play" card system in the Closed Loop

Vensells CL is the directly billable "in-house card system" with complete and automated billing, provided a Vencube is used in the vending machine.

As a “Plug and Play" solution, Vensells CL offers easy handling from commissioning to billing, without tedious set-up requirements and time-consuming key configurations.

The system offers fully integrated and absolutely transparent billing in real time - effectively at the push of a button.

There are currently two variants with different service packages to choose from:
While the basic version offers everything you would expect from an efficient solution, Venpay CL Premium - with its significantly extended range of functions - also meets more sophisticated demands.

The Vensells CL system at a glance

Read/write units (SLE)
(can only be used with transponders from S+M GmbH)

Vensells CL

Vensells Schreib-Lese-Einheit

Vensells CL Premium
(additional table-top device)

Vensells CL Tischgerät


Vensells CL card

Vensells Vensells CL Karte

Vensells CL key 'Basic'

Vensells CL Schlüssel ,Basis‘

Vensells CL key 'Premium'

Vensells CL Schlüssel ,Premium‘

We offer various labelling options.
Please feel free to contact us.

The new Vensells CL thus rounds off the overall Vensolutions package and expands it in an ideal way for in-house operations, such as staff catering for companies looking for their own, less complicated solution.

Vensells CL Info-PDF

Vensells OL - broad card acceptance in the Open Loop

Together with Castles, a leading global provider of POS and unattended payment terminals, we are pleased to have significantly expanded our product portfolio for our customers:

If you equip your vending machine with the UPT1000F card reader from Castles, we can ensure you broad card acceptance (VISA, Master Card, co-branded cards) in the public sector (OpenLoop, OL), provided that a Vencube or Vensells OL module is installed in the vending machine.

The UPT1000F can be used as a pure MDB payment system, or in combination with the Vencube Beta as an integrated telemetry solution including all evaluations. The terminal offers "pin on glass" and is PSI certified.

By directly connecting the UPT1000F to the Vencube beta, or as a simple “Plug & Play solution" without telemetry via our Vensells OL module, all communication takes place between the vending machine and Vensolutions.
This enables use of the credit card reader on all common vending machine interfaces (MDB / EXE / BDV / CCI-CSI, etc.) without any problems. There is no need to specially customise the vending machine to suit the card reader.

This means that development of all relevant interfaces is in the hands of S+M GmbH, which stands for security and reliability.

Further customisations, e.g. of the start or home screen, can be realised on request.

Vensells OL Info-PDF

Venshop – the flexible cash register system for every micro-market

Whether in-house to replace your canteen for staff catering or as a trendy farm shop in a container, our Venshop offers the right answer for every application as an intuitive cash register system.

Venshop’s basic version enables cashless shopping pleasure. Goods can be conveniently selected via a large touch screen and/or registered via an integrated scanner. Payment is made either through OpenLoop (OL, e.g. bank cards) or ClosedLoop (CL, in-house systems such as employee cards). Adding a cash module also enables the problem-free acceptance of cash payments.

Security is optionally provided by an integrated camera (in compliance with data protection guidelines). Certain groups of people, such as your employees or your guests, can even be given discounts.

MDB can be used to integrate existing cashless systems (Mifare, Legic) without any problems.

As an additional service, we are happy to customise the layout and production of a complete micro-market to suit your wishes and specifications.

The system’s practical modular design facilitates the combination of a wide variety of shop elements, which means the ideally customised solution can be found for every application. Whether you need a fresh produce display, glass fridge, coffee maker or microwave, you will be equipped for any use.

Venshop Info-PDF
Micro-Market Info-PDF

Learn more about our Micro-Market   

Vencool - smart cooler with access control

The Vencool combines the unique shopping experience of modern micro-markets with the advantages of proven vending machines. Due to its compact size, the Vencool also opens up previously unused areas in semi-open environments, such as hospitals, airports or hotel lobbies, etc. This makes our Vencool a real alternative that leads to higher yields and profitability while offering the customer excellent service.

The smart cooler has an integrated, sensor-controlled access control system that automatically recognises the items removed. The technology tracks the products individually, along with their position on the shelf. This enables it to distinguish precisely between a Coke and a Coke Zero next to each other.

As this principle is based on an intelligent combination of weighted shelves and visual recognition, the customer has the freedom to take out and put back the desired items at any time.

A "real-time shopping basket" and price information on the display ensure a smooth process, as do intuitive voice instructions. This uncomplicated and robust system is fully integrated into Vensolutions and also offers all the associated benefits.

The Vencool thus combines all the advantages of conventional, "closed" vending machines with a perfect, natural shopping experience for the customer.

Vencool Info-PDF

Vencash – The inhouse payment system

With a Vencash revaluator, you can optimise the processes in your company catering and at your in-house vending machines. The system integrates a Vensells CL, a Vensells OL and a banknote reader.

Your benefits: faster payment, shorter queues and detailed accounting of all components thanks to the seamless logging of all processes, enabling you to create effective and legally compliant vending machine accounting.

The system fulfils the highest standards of design, quality and security. A comprehensive on-site service and remote maintenance round off the offer.

The design of the front panel of our revaluator station can be customised individually. Contactless card systems from other companies can also be integrated, card encoding and printing can be customized, as well. Contact us and we will customise your revaluator and guest card systems according to your ideas.